Terms of Use - GLOBAL BLUE – GB training app
Please read these terms carefully before using this App. These terms apply to all use of this App and by downloading this App you agree that you have read and accept these terms. Please also note that your use of our services generally (including those which you may access via the App) are also governed by the Cookie Policy and Website Terms of Access and Use.
1. Contacts
Global Blue SA, a Swiss company with its registered office at Rue des Fléchères 7A 1274 Signy Centre, Switzerland, is the publisher of this mobile application called “GB Training App”. Should you have any questions, please send an email to training@globalblue.com
2. Intellectual Property
The content of the Application (such as texts, animations, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, logos, trademarks, designs, and models) are the exclusive property of Global Blue and/or any affiliated company in the world, each of them having the right to use the related intellectual property rights. The use of all or part of the Application, especially by downloading, reproduction, transmission, presentation, or broadcasting, is forbidden for purposes other than for training purposes. Your breach of these provisions will render you liable for the sanctions provided by applicable law, and to the prohibition to use the Application. Global Blue may freely modify the content of the Application at any time and without notice.
3. Forums
You hereby recognize that it is forbidden to post via the Application any content which is disparaging about Global Blue, its products, and its brand, in any way or which does not comply with legal requirements, and notably any content that might constitute:
Defamation, insult, invasion of privacy, or any act that could damage a person’s human dignity.
4. Privacy Policy
You hereby agree and acknowledge that your identifiable personal information is collected for the granting of a personal authorized access, via login and password, to the Application and for receiving e-mails about Global Blue's actualities. The type of identifiable personal data Global Blue may collect includes your name, surname, email address and eventually the identification of your company. Global Blue may keep your identifiable personal information during the time period necessary to the authorization access procedure. By providing your identifiable personal data, you recognize and accept that Global Blue may use it. You may have the right to access, modify or oppose the data processing by request sent to privacy@globalblue.com.
5. Guarantees and Liability
Global Blue makes every effort to ensure that the information accessible on the Application is accurate, complete, and up to date. However, Global Blue gives no guarantee whatsoever that this information is accurate, complete, and up to date. Global Blue does not give any express or implied guarantee concerning all or any part of the Application. Global Blue may not in any circumstances be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, whatever its cause, origin, nature, and consequences, arising out of the consultation or use of the Application. In particular, Global Blue disclaims all liability for any interruption or inaccessibility of the Application, any occurrence of bugs, or any damage resulting from fraudulent acts by third parties (such as intrusion) from the Application. Global Blue has put in place means intended to ensure the security of the files composed from the personal data collected on the Application. Global Blue has no control over risks in connection with the functioning of the Internet and draws your attention to the existence of potential risks arising in terms of confidentiality of the data transiting via this network.
6. Changes to this Legal Statement
This statement may be modified at any time. Publication of any modifications shall take place upon being put online and you are deemed to have accepted them unconditionally when you access the Application after they have been put online. We recommend that you consult this page regularly.
Last updated: September 16th, 2024